
2020-11-21 18:27:41

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So, you've installed Vodka, and you've loaded it up in a browser, and you're staring at a completely empty browser window.

If you're a writer like me, seeing a blank sheet of paper can evoke all sorts of emotions: sometimes fear and insecurity, but also the excitement of unrealized potential. So let's start filling up this digital paper with words, shall we?


Once you've filled up the screen with some language, do me a favor and escape key. I want to show you something cool.

Have you ever wanted to open up the hood of your word processor and tinker with what it's doing? Exploded mode in Vodka is how you do that. Exploded mode shows the guts of your Vodka doc -- the data structures and information that is underlying what you're seeing.

You can see that the letters you typed are surrounded by boxes. Wordsare enclosed in yellow boxes, lines are enclosed in blue boxes, and the entire document that you typed is in a green box. These boxes are called nexes. Actually, the letters you typed are nexes too,along with everything else you will see and work with in Vodka, andthe boxes are more properly termed nex containers. But I won't bog you down with too much terminology quite yet.


Now that you can see all the data in your document laid out in visibly, and you can navigate through it,you are in a position where you can actually write some code. Let's do that. Click on the word vodka (so that the yellow box around it is selected) and hit the shift key twice (press it andrelease it without typing any other keys). You should see a red dotted outline appear around the word. Now type the ~ key.

This has spawned a new type of nex container, and it's surrounding the word you were interested in. This nex container is called a command. It is a way of running some code on the data (the words) in your Vodka doc.

There are many commands, and commands can be put inside other commands, or run in sequences and loops. This is how you write code in Vodka! In this case, since it's your first program, we are just going to run one command. Type the word "first" and hit enter.

You've written a little code. This command, first, extracts the firstelement of whatever nex container you pass into it. But how do you run this code? Well, with Vodka, we don't have to switch windows or go run our code in some other environment. We can run our code right here, in the same place where we've written it. Make sure your command is still selected (it will be red if it's selected) and hit the enter key.

And look at that! You've run this command, and it did what you asked it to do -- it extracted the first letter of the word vodka, and replaced the contents of the doc at that location with the result. Congratulations, you have taken your first few baby steps toward writingdigital literature in Vodka.


a space, punctuation mark, or other typographic character that either separates words or isn't considered part of the word it's next to




Typing the hotkeys listed above should create the appropriate nexes in most cases where you would expect them to. However, it's importantto be aware that in Vodka, keyboard input is "contextual."Depending on what the currently selected nex is, typing hotkeysmight do different things. So, if you're inside a doc, typingan exclamation point might give you a separator, because youare probably typing a sentence and want to end it in anexciting way! On the other hand, if you're inside a command,then typing an exclamation point will create a boolean nex. [^1] If you're ever in a situation with Vodka where Vodka isn't creating the nex type that you want it to, you should be able to copy and paste a nex of any type from any location into any other location. If that doesn't work, please file a bug describing the problem you're having.

Most code-type nexes have some sort of value. Integers have a numeric value, strings have characters, and commands have a command name that is meant to be executed. When you first create a nex, it starts out in "editing" mode, which means that letters you type will change the value of that selected nex.

You can tell that a nex is being edited because it will be selected (red) but the selected color will be a muted red (pink) instead of a dark red. You can press enter when you're done editing, but Vodka will also attempt to guess when you're done editing, so if you type some character that is not allowed in the current editing context, Vodka will assume you're done editing and exit the editor.

Vodka is based on a family of programming languages called Lisp. If you're not familiar with Lisp, don't worry about it... I'll try to tell you all you need to know here.


When you run a lisp program, lists are "evaluated", which means that the interpreter looks at the first item in the list, and looks up a command that corresponds to that name, and executes it. For this reason, mathematical operations in Lisp programs look a little strange -- the operator comes before the operands:

在大多数编程语言中,这只能写为2 +(5 * 6)。经典的Lisp编程范例涉及使用小的函数,这些函数以递归方式调用自己。例如,该程序获取小于零的列表的第一个元素:

(defun find-negative (list) (let item (first list)) (if (< item 0) item (find-negative (rest list))))

This program defines a function called find-negative. You pass it a list. The first thing this function does is grab the first item from the list and store it in a variable called "item". Then it tests the item to see if it's less than zero. If it is, it returns it. Otherwise, it calls the find-negative function on the "rest" of the list, i.e. the remaining items in the list (minus the first one).

